Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Birds-Eye Lesson in God's Care for Us

A Birds-Eye lesson in God's Care for Us

      As most of you know, I work with Developmentally Disabled adults, getting them jobs and taking them there as a job coach.  I love what I do. 

       A few weeks ago I went with one of my clients to his job at the local Y, and since the day was pretty nice (DRY! I live in the Seattle area, after all!),  he was sweeping the outside courtyard area.  This particular client is quite independent and so I was going to sit on the sidelines so that I wouldn't be breathing down his neck while he worked, yet still watching in case he needed any assistance.  Well, I went over to a table on one side and saw a small bird, probably a sparrow or something like it, sitting on the sidewalk in front of the table. I got closer, figuring it would fly away, but the closer I got to it, it didn't move, just sat there with its eyes closed (see picture).  I took a picture with my phone's camera and sat down, figuring it was probably dying, either of natural causes or some kind of previous trauma. 

     Being so close (about 10 feet) from the more natural setting of trees and earth, I slid a laminated map that a friend had recently given me for my car under it and moved it under a tree so that it would get some shade and be more comfortable.  Then I began to look for something I could put some water in to try to feed it a little (I looked around for worms but couldn't find any), and found the cap of a little bottle with eyeglass cleaner. I removed the tiny cap and went to the bathroom and filled it up, bringing it back outside to where the bird was. I put the cap of water up over the beak of the little bird and then away, and it actually moved and looked as though it were taking the water in.  I did it a few more times.  Finally, after walking away to check on my client and returning, the bird was actually sitting up and looking around! 

I couldn't help but think of the Scipture that reminds us that God knows each of us, and cares for us all, knowing even the smallest sparrow that falls to the ground. And if He knows this tiny creature, and cares for it personally, how much more does He know YOU and ME?  And if He knows and cares for US, why should we worry or fear?  For as Jesus has said...
"Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his life?" (Mt. 6:26-27)


"Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  (Mt. 6:33-34)

P.S.  A few days after this I found myself back at the same place and looked for the bird (or its remains, as I figured it would no longer be alive), it was gone. But the tiny cap of water was still in its place, standing up and half filled with water. Did it recuperate enough to fly away? I will never know.  But the message that God is taking care of us - of me - in spite of how bad things look to the natural eye -  will stay with me always, especially when I see a small bird.

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