Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Courage to Stand

The Courage to Stand

      Recently I’ve been finding myself led, in my prayer times, to read 2 Chronicles. I haven’t read this portion of Scripture in a LONG time. Unlike Psalms or the Gospels, it’s not a section that I (nor probably many other Christians) gravitate toward. Here’s the gist: It recalls the story of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. His father, Asa, had once trusted in the Lord, but then started, as is often the case when power goes to the head of a leader, putting his trust in himself, his army and own strength. It never ends up well for those who do so, and did not for him either. But when he passed on, his son Jehoshaphat took over as king. 2 Chron. 17:6 says of him, “His heart was devoted to the ways of the Lord. Furthermore, he removed the high places and Asherah poles from Judah.” He was standing with God and against the idolatry of his forefathers. I’m sure this took courage. It always does when one takes an unpopular stand. Our nation and culture is not the first to embrace “multiculturalism.” It just went by different names at various times. Like idolatry.

     Fast forward three chapters to chapter 20. Jehoshaphat is told that “the Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites” were on their way to make war on Jehoshaphat. Look at his response. “Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. The people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord” (v.3-4). The result was nothing short of miraculous. The Lord responded by comforting them with these words: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours but God’s” (v. 15b). And then God came through and literally blew their enemy away by their OWN hands and all Jehoshaphat’s army had to do was set up a praise choir and watch God’s hand at work! Read the rest of the chapter for yourself. I don’t think Steven Spielberg would ever have come up with an ending like this!

     In reading and meditating on this section of Scripture, I couldn’t help but compare it to some current events of today. Space does not allow me to go off as I would like so I have to be (mercifully, for your sake) brief, or at least try.

      1. Then: Judah was being surrounded and attacked on all sides.

Now: Israel is being attacked on all sides by those who want to see t wiped off the face of the earth (again).

     2. Then: Their king, Jehoshaphat, gathered his people to pray for God’s help and direction.

Now: A band of people standing up for Israel, gathered together to stand up and pray for and encourage the people of Israel. What? I didn’t hear about this in the media. Why not? Where? When?

     Oh, you haven’t heard? Well, so glad you asked. From August 21st to 24th in Jerusalem, (on the Temple Mount on the 24th!), there was a gathering of Christians, Jews and others standing for Israel. It was not a political gathering, but a spiritual one, to pray for and encourage a people who are being surrounded once more by enemies on all sides (sadly, including our own country, the good old U.S. of A.

     It took real courage (in fact, the name of this gathering was “Restoring Courage”) to take this stand, by all those involved, and particularly Glenn Beck whose vision this was and who set it in motion through many threats leveled against this brave band all sides.

     And true to form, the media refused to acknowledge, much less cover this event, with a cast of two thousand-plus, not to mention the 1,400 viewing parties (of 25 + people) and all those smaller groups around the globe watching via the internet, many literally risking their lives to do so. Celebrity speakers, political figures and musicians all there to present an uplifting message of support and encouragement for this once again world- (but NOT God-] forsaken tiny nation at the vortex of world news.

     No doubt if an iota of violence would have taken place at this event, every network on the planet would have appeared, and likely most (at least from THIS country) would have blamed the victims. That’s the (understood) reality of the situation. I wonder if any of those who to now have believed everything the media says (or doesn’t, in this case) will ever open their eyes and see the truth of the matter. Not without prayer, I daresay.

     I find it staggering personally, to see how quickly our world has forgotten the Jewish people a mere 60 or so years after the Holocaust, and are once more not only willing but abetting its destruction. Yet they have learned NOTHING from history – spiritual or physical history. At every turn, God has showed up and miraculously pulled HIS PEOPLE out of the fire, and He WILL do it again. We need to continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, speak up for her, and then as did Jehoshaphat, stand by to watch God step in again with HIS victory! That is TRUE courage.

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