Friday, February 3, 2012


      Every day I get up,  play a little with my 2 cats, get up, shower and dress, feed the kitties and make myself breakfast and lunch to go, and then head off for work.  I feel like I'm running on auto-pilot. Relate?  The ways of the world weigh me down, and I get mad at stupid drivers in my way until I get home, feed the cats and make my dinner, watch TV and go to bed, to start the same process over again the next day.  Not so very different from the Bill Murray movie, "Groundhog Day." 

      But then I am reminded, by a still, small voice in my spirit that says, "It doesn't have to be this way. Listen to my voice, spend time with me;  I am here for you and have to give you life in the fullest way."  Then I slap my forehead and like the V-8 commercial, I shake off my weariness, regain my sense of  whose I am, and open the "Instruction Book," (aka the Bible) that reminds me of what my life and perspective should be! 

     Thankfully,  I'm doing the latter more and more regularly nowadays,  not that I don't still have those "auto-pilot" days (sometimes a couple or 3 times a week when I'm particularly forgetful, I'm sorry to say).  But what I'm learning is that when I start my day off with prayer and God's Word,  and I remember that God wants a partnership with me, in order to reach His sick and hurting world,  I have a sense of perspective that I can't otherwise have. 

     I've been doing these "miracle" blog postings now for a few months and maybe you might ask yourself why.  Truth is,  writing (or actually reporting) these present-day miracles is another way to remind myself of the eternal, or heavenly perspective that really does give this life a clearer direction and purpose.  I am reminded that my life is not just for me, for one thing, and for another, that in looking at what God has done and continues to do in this world, I remember that He is still in control and wants me to work with Him, to reach out with His hands and feet, and in so doing, to realize how much more I can accomplish when I am working with Him, or, more accurately, letting Him work in and through me!  How much more meaning my life has when I see it from an eternal perspective, rather than my little, earth-bound, auto-piloted one. 

     If you find your life dull, devoid of purpose, and running on auto-pilot, there's good news waiting for you!  The Creator of the COSMOS knows, loves and has a bigger plan for you than the day to day boredom of the same-old same-old.  He is waiting for you to reach out to Him, as He is has been reaching out to you your whole life, whether you've known it or not.  Believe that Jesus is the "Word made flesh" (read the first chapter of the gospel of John!), came to reunite you to your eternal, loving, Heavenly Father through no effort on your part but HIS death on the cross FOR your sins, and walk into His embrace to a life worth living and an eternity to look forward to rather than dread. 

     I recently came across a website ( that shares LOTS of miracle stories that remind us this world is NOT all there is, that there is a God out there who loves us enough to intervene in our lives, is bigger than ALL our troubles and able to handle them, and who wants to use us to partner with Him or just to worship Him in awe and with thanksgiving to come into His courts.  Join me as I do so and let's turn off the auto-pilot once and for all, letting Jesus be our pilot!