Recently, at a staff meeting at my job, my boss shared this touching story about her sister that just happened.
Her sister has a young son who wanted an X-Box 360 for Christmas. She didn't have the money for something that pricey but she prayed for it anyway. Then one day, a coworker came to her, paper bag in hand.
"Please don't get angry," she started. "I know what it's like to want something for your child but not be able to afford it for them. I've been blessed and just wanted to pass on the blessing. This is for you."
Handing the bag to my boss's sister, she opened it, and what do you think she found? An X-Box 360, of course!
My boss's sister's co-worker had been blessed to be a blessing. It's a good time to be praying about and thinking of how each of us can be the same. Look for opportunities all around you! Being a blessing may involve giving a physical gift as in the true story just told. But it could also be a myriad of other types of giving: spending time with a shut-in relative, bringing Christmas joy to a friend in a hospital or providing a meal for their family, trying extra hard to get along and not be dragged into a verbal sparring match with "that relative" at your family Christmas dinner (but instead, praying for and passing on some "extra grace" to them), sharing the REAL, Biblical Christmas story with a child, or passing on a gentle "Merry Christmas" to someone in a store who looks frazzled and in need of some "Christmas Peace" and "A Silent Night, Holy Night.."
So, while we're busy getting all our presents bought and checking off all our "to do" lists this last week leading up to Christmas Day, let's take some time to first spend time at the foot of the manger, in adoration of what C.S. Lewis called "The Grand Miracle" of God becoming a human baby. As we focus in appropriate awe and wonder on the One whose birth we celebrate as the FIRST and GREATEST gift of Christmas from our Creator and Heavenly Father, let us stop to listen to His stilll, small voice whispering to us unique ways in which we can shine the true light of Christmas on the world around us in His Name!
Merry Christmas to all and God bless us,every one!