Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advent season - Who is this King and who are we in Him?

    For a few months now, I've been writing about miracles - big and small.  This morning on the "TODAY SHOW"  I was reminded about one of, if not THE greatest miracle of hope for believers. 

    If you had a chance to read the book Heaven Is For Real, you know what I'm talking about.  Colton Burpo, at age 3, went into surgery and was taken to Heaven. There he was sung to by angels, met his (miscarried before he was born) sister and grandfather he'd never met on earth, learned about spiritual warfare and how much Jesus loves children, and most importantly had the opportunity to  sit on Jesus' lap and just be with Him! When he "came back,"  Colton slowly unravelled his story over the space of months (if not years), telling his parents what they each were doing while he was on the surgical table - and all that he experienced in that brief time.  Now, eight years later, at the ripe old age of 12, Colton has written a 35 page book of his own - the illustrated Heaven is For Real For Kids. 

    With all of the indoctrination of our children going on today - from every wrong side - it is a joy to hear about not only what happened to this child eight years ago. But now we have the privilege to see this child's heart as he grows up,  wanting to reach out to other children (it's geared to ages 4-8) through this beautifully illustrated book to help them see Jesus and Heaven a little clearer and to set the focus of their lives a little more clearly beyond the distortions that this world will teach them. I'm sure his parents asked themselves afterward, "Why Colton?" I think it's a little clearer now why Jesus chose this child to take on this adventure of a lifetime (and then some!). 

     I guess the next question it brings to my mind is "What am I doing with the gifts He's given me?" (And by implication, what are you?)  Sure my experiences (and probably yours as well) have likely not been as dramatic as Colton's, but God has gifted each of us with a set of specific gifts and talents, and put each of us here, at this time in history, to make a difference in one way or other,  for such a time as this (Esther 4:14 b). I've been reminded lately that we are living in a time, perhaps more than any before us, that will require a lot of us: courage, character and hope to pass on to those hurting ones around us. But in order to do that, we need to be in touch with the ONLY ONE who can give us these qualities. 

     C.S. Lewis said that trouble in our lives doesn't give us good character; it brings out what is already IN us.  We are responsible to spend the time necessary with God and His Word in order to develop the fruits of the Spirit that will enable us - and those around us - to deal with the increasing angst of our time.  It's not enough to just pray for them, any more than to just "be nice to" them.  It takes the whole deal - they need to hear the Gospel of grace from us, proclaimed in word and works. They need to see our courage and hope.  We can't manufacture them, though.  Fruit comes out naturally as the branches are part of the life of the tree, just as Jesus told us ("I am the vine, you are the branches; if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." Jn. 15:5). Christ's life will come out of us as we are in Him. It can't be faked, though many have tried.

    As we have been shown through the eyes of a child (once again),  let us be reminded that our faith, hope and courage (as well as the love that comes as a result) come from "keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..."  (Heb. 12:2)

    In this season of Advent - looking forward to the birth of our Lord Jesus - let's take the time to meditate on Jesus, who He IS, was and always will be,  and the hope of being with Him joyfully forever, but only AFTER the work He gave us to do has been accomplished.  And let's spend time with Him during this season to ask Him what that work is that He has predestined us to do to His glory (Eph.2:10),  through His power and grace in our lives.There's an assignment out there which only you and I can accomplish because He planned it that way. Will we do it?  I hope so. I know I'm going to purpose to pray more diligently about it from now on, and hope you will too. 

    Have a blessed Christmas season and all (next) year long!  Amen. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Another miracle!

     I just read another miracle story on Facebook from a couple in my church.  I asked them if I could share their story here on this blog.  Listen up!
    Once again I am blown away by God's provision and timing. We received a letter tw weeks ago that Mac's unemployment had been exhausted and he needed to file an emergency claim, however in the meantime, no money would be coming in. We were waiting until the last possible second to mail the mortgage payment as we didn't have enough for it. As we were walking home from a school assembly this, I was praying about the money and asking God to help me trust Him fully in this. Mac opened the mailbox and there was a letter from unemployment telling us that they are paying us despite the fact that the emergency claim has not yet been approved. After I wrote our tithe check, the remaining amount was EXACTLY enough for our mortgage payment! We serve an awesome God!
Mac & Robin McIntyre
    AMEN!  Praise GOD!